Hey There! • Are you a go-getter who is succeeding in many areas of your life….but
still struggling with your weight ? • Do you try to resist your cravings, but give in ? • Are you tired of going on diets that make you feel deprived? • Do you suffer from diabetes or hypertension ? • Has your doctor ever recommended a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable? • Have you ever wanted something in your life, but found you couldn’t achieve it alone? • Are you ready to look in the mirror and love the person looking back ? Like most women, you’re busy. You’re wheeling and dealing, getting the job done, and enjoying the experience. Of course you are… you’re used to setting goals and achieving them. But somehow your weight loss goal didn’t get the memo. After all, you know the drill. Exercise, eat right. You’ve done those things. Heck, you’ve even gone on a couple of diets and lost a few pounds…. ONLY to gain the weight back including a few more. It feels like you’re back to square one, except you’re heavier, tired, and no longer want to look in the mirror. You’re tired of the yo-yo weight cycle, you’re tired of being tired, and you’re just plain tired of not feeling good about being you. But Imagine If.. · You could release the weight that’s plaguing you ? · Imagine if your cravings disappeared ? · Imagine if you could release weight without feeling deprived ? · Imagine if you could feel more accomplished as the weight disappears ? · Imagine if could feel more energetic ? · Imagine if your clothes fit perfectly ? · Imagine if you could look in the mirror and enjoy the view ? · Imagine if you could feel bold and confident every time you walk into a room ? You Have What It Takes You have no reason not to feel attractive, healthy, and energetic other than the fact that you're not letting yourself. Maybe you think you're too busy or that you'll start "once you finish that project", "when you get done moving", "as soon as Spring rolls around", or "first thing Monday morning" . As a heath coach, I am there to provide you with 3 things: a system, support, and accountability. What does this mean ? It means I’m there to encourage you when you feel stuck and sometimes give a “kick in the butt” when you’re falling off track. It also means I’m going to guide you through a system that will compel you to make choices that serve the best version of yourself. Sounds amazing, right ? You are completely capable of having a lighter, brighter body and we will work together to make this goal a fabulous reality. This program is PERFECT for you if… · You want to release weight and boost your energy levels · You want to understand and reduce your cravings · You’re ready to try a different approach to eating that doesn’t involve deprivation or counting calories · You want to breakthrough the inner blocks (mental and emotional) that cause your inconsistency with the healthiest food and self-care habits. You want changes that will make your inspiring future possible You’re Not Alone… I’ve been there before… living a life full of accomplishments but still unsatisfied with my body and my weight. I tried diets, working out, and my love-hate relationship with healthy foods would boomerang. Often, I’d just give in to whatever Little Debbie cake or pizza was calling my name. I was so embarrassed. Most people thought I looked healthy, but I felt exhausted and heavy. I wanted to make a change, but wasn’t sure how to get off my junk food rollercoaster. I soon had my wake up-call. My feisty, fiercely independent grandmother died from complications of diabetes and heart disease. With a family history of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension, it was only a matter of time before I heard the same diagnosis. So, after researching, studying various health methods, and attending nutrition school, I finally found something that worked. To my surprise, it lead me to wondrously new way of looking at food AND my body. I was over 15 pounds lighter, had a boundless amount of energy, glowing skin, and best of all, I could finally look in the mirror and actually enjoy the view. My success didn’t happen overnight though. In fact, it required me to have a system in place to achieve the health results I wanted in my life. It’s the Lighter Body Success System and I can’t wait to share it with you. You absolutely deserve it. You do a lot of great things for other people, now do something great for yourself. It's time to step up and make a change that can redirect the course of your life. No Matter How You’ve Struggled In the Past…. I want to invite you to say YES to yourself. You will go from sluggish, deprived, and bloated to fit, focused, and fierce in JUST 90 DAYS. Which Benefits Will You Get in 90 Days ? • Release excess weight sustainably by adopting better food and lifestyle choices • Feel Better FAST by consuming more nutrient rich foods and cleansing the energy-draining trigger foods that cause cravings, weight gain and emotional imbalance. • Glowing skin • Boost in energy and productivity • Kick the fast food, sweets, and baked food habit without missing them • Breakthrough the inner blocks (mental and emotional) that causes your inconsistency with the healthiest food and self-care habits. With the Lighter Brighter Body System, you will become more balanced, confident and in control of your choices (with food and otherwise). In turn, your body will naturally respond with well-being, weight balance and amazing energy. If you want these results and the program feels like a fit, all you have to do is show up with an open heart and an open mind; be ready to make time for yourself and your Lighter Brighter practices each day; plan to spend some time each weekend shopping and prepping delicious food; and be willing to be supported by a health coach who will not let you fail. |